Utah Tax and Accounting Services

Accepting New Clients

Facebook ad postHere’s the deal…I’m looking to help new clients and I’m willing to pay for that opportunity. From now to February 15th, I’ll pay any new client $20 to file their Federal and State taxes with me.
Interested? Give me a call: (801) 830-5305
Let’s be honest here. You could probably do a 1040 on your own. And if you want assistance, I can help. But my specialty is working on complicated tax returns that include 1099s, tax credits, deductions, business returns, mortgages, investments, etc. A part-time “tax professional” at a store kiosk isn’t qualified to help with that!
Got questions about your taxes? Call Adam at (801) 830-5305
It doesn’t cost anything to get a quote. You’ll be surprised how much more affordable my services are compared to other accounting firms. And if you mention this Facebook ad (above) you’ll even make $20 when you file your Federal and State taxes with me!
Not comfortable calling me? Let me know you’re interested by filling out this form!

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Contact Information

Adam Garfield, CPA801-830-5305

Adam Garfield, CPA
175 S. Orem Blvd. Suite 7
Orem, UT 84058